The finale of Curb Your Enthusiasm is airing tonight in what has been a very enjoyable season that reunited the cast of Seinfeld for the first time in 11 years. Some thoughts:
1) At the age of 48, Julie Louie-Dreyfuss is hotter now than she was in the 90's.
2) Curb relies heavily on improvisation and Jerry is very good at it.
3) It is great seeing Michael Richards on T.V. again.
Seinfeld is my favorite show of all-time so instead of watching the Cowboys and their non-existing offense, I figured I will list my Top5 episodes. They are......
5. "The Summer of George" - George takes the summer off, Kramer wins a Tony and sees the sun rise at Liza's, Elaine tells a co-worker that she needs to swing her arms when she walks, and Jerry dates a girl who has a Dude named Lyle living with her.
4. "The Serenity Now" - Frank Costanza tries to sell computers from his garage with the help of George and Loyd Braun, Jerry's girlfriend wants to see him get really mad, Elaine has "shiksa appeal", Kramer enjoys "the cool evening breeze of Anytown, USA", and George divulges his deepest, darkest fears and everything he's capable of.
3. "The Frogger" - George and Jerry return to their high school hangout where George discovers he still has the high score on the old Frogger video game, Elaine eats a cake that came from King Edward VIII's 1937 wedding, Jerry fears a serial killer known as "The Lopper" while Kramer suggests they name him "Son of Dad."
2. "The Little Jerry" - This aired on my 17th B-day. Jerry passes a bad check, George dates an inmate, Elaine dates a bald guy who shaves his head for swimming purposes. The fact that he chooses to be bald offends George who says "that's like using a wheelchair for the fun of it." Kramer accidentally buys a rooster instead of a hen and names it "Little Jerry Seinfeld." He then enters it in a cockfighting competition.
1. "The Voice" - Kramer gets an inturn from NYU, Jerry has to decide whether he should lose the voice or the girlfriend, Elaine backslides into another relationship with David Puddy, and PlayNow negotiates with George ("I'll see you in Hell, Costanza".)
Shoutout to "The Yadda Yadda" episode
Here's George in a nutshell....
Selecting my Top5 Seinfeld episodes was like picking which Beatles' songs are the best but I think I successfully narrowed it down to where I'm satisfied with the list. Thanks Wikipedia.
Wow...the Cowboys won.
Demand Satisfaction,
BTW, while I'm on the subject of television:
Top5 T.V. characters....
5. "Hey Now" Hank Kingsley - The Larry Sanders Show
4. Michael Scott - The Office
3. Barney Fife - The Andy Griffith Show
2 & 1 (tie) Cosmo Kramer and George Costanza - Seinfeld
shoutout to Jerry Seinfeld, Elaine Benes, and Homer Simpson